18 maio 2008

Ça paraît que...

Seguindo a sugestão do ZEH, o resultado foi este...


You have the bachelor pad look down to a T. Your home is sleek, masculine and generally understated. Only those in the know can spot the touches of genuinely 'flash' kit - the designer logos, the top-of-the-range gizmos. It all looks effortlessly cool but only you know the time, thought and energy (working too) that has gone into getting everything spot on.

Living Room

Playboy, gent, aesthete - your living room is a shrine to bachelorism. The masculine look finds its apogee in the bachelor pad, and at the heart of every bachelor pad is the living space, with its sharp lines and a hedonistic approach to life that's all about having fun and very little to do with mundane chores. This is the lifestyle of a Gatsby or a 007, and the fact that both are fictional characters says it all: this look is about illusion and seduction and a dash of hustler chutzpah. This is a look that can't take clutter, and as such the minimal aesthetic is an ideal complement. When it comes to the tricky task of accessorising, less is certainly more. Dark colours work well if you use the room mainly during the evenings and at night, while 'quiet' textiles and soft furnishings buy you time to decide on what you want in the long term. Whether you're chilling out, socialising or surfing the net, your living room's a place that reflects the way you live your life.


It's a man's world in the master bedroom. Sleep is fundamentally important to our well being. In busy towns and cities, noise can often hamper a good night's sleep. Soft furnishings really do absorb sound, and touch is such an important sense in the bedroom, from crisp, linen sheets to wool or even sheepskin underfoot. You have quite a masculine - some might say hard - style in your bedroom, making quite a dramatic statement with bold use of very dark colour and even black.

Dining Room

You're a fabulous foodie: no occasion passes without you dressing it up in style. At home, there's an almost theatrical sense of occasion to your dining room that's perfect for special occasions and adds a touch of glamour to even the hastiest of meals. It's worth restricting the most flamboyant flourishes to finishing touches and accessories only - unless entertaining on a truly grand scale. Chandeliers and ornate mirrors add a surefire touch of glamour to any mealtime, day or night, and need not cost a fortune. When it comes to entertaining, you like quite simple (some might say 'peasant') food with big, robust flavours.

Home Office

You have a place for everything and everything has its place. Even the most dedicated workaholic and hard-core party animal has bills to pay. An allocated home office or 'work station' makes mundane book-keeping as painless as possible. The modernist adage that form should follow function is nowhere better demonstrated than in the home office: keep things simple and add your own sense of style by using a splash of colour or a single, well-chosen decorative piece.


You're the consummate international playboy, at home around the world, but never more so than in your elegant 'pad' with its emphasis on hedonism and the finer things in life.

Consummate international playboy? Euuuuuuuuuuuuuu???????????



Blogger João Roque said...

Fiz o teste e achei as conclusões bastante de acordo com a minha maneira de ser e estar.
Muito curioso este "jogo"...

18/5/08 02:39  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

O teste é como o algodão: não engana! :D

(You Hugh Hefner!... ;) )

18/5/08 11:34  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Deu-me Barcelona Cool. lol
É uma categoria como outra qualquer.
Mas 'keep it simple' é bem o meu género, sim senhor.

19/5/08 02:03  
Blogger zehtoh said...

"Consummate international playboy?" - pelos vistos para as restantes pessoas o resultado anda proximo, o que significa que la no fundo deves ser um verdadeiro playboy, sim sr...

19/5/08 10:21  
Blogger Individual(mente) said...

No meu caso parece-me mais que o «jogo» se limitou a espelhar aquilo que escolhi e a dar-lhe algum significado aleatório.

Este teste é como o micróbio: passa despercebido ao algodão...

(Hugh Hefner é sinónimo de gajas. Tira-me desse filme... lol)

Barcelona é sempre cool!!! lol
Prefiro o keep it clean, simple and fashionable.

No comments! lol

19/5/08 22:08  
Blogger MrTBear said...

Está dito, está dito....

agora é sofrer as consequências LOL

20/5/08 11:39  
Blogger Tongzhi said...

Mr TB disse tudo

20/5/08 18:49  

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